Thunderbird Symbolic Ghost Dance

“Thunderbird Symbolic Ghost Dance” 11 x 30” WC & Gouache on Paper The Thunderbird is a powerful symbol in Native American culture.  It appears repeatedly in ceremonial objects.  Its image is also commonly found carved into stone, known as petroglyphs.  The legendary Thunderbird ruled the skies, and was credited with thunder and lightning.  Its powerful presence was feared and revered. …


I love exploring symbols.  I began thinking about symbols when teaching elementary education, along with being a new mom.  Seeing my child and my students relying on the very same symbols I remember using as a child was exciting to me.  Happy houses… suns in the corner.  They started finding their way into my art.  See my website Gallery, where …

From the Earth

From the Earth” 11 x 32” Watercolor & Gouache on Paper Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…. it is true for all time: we are linked to the earth.  I believe the truth is: we are not autonomous at all, but a part of an interconnected existence.  We cannot sustain our depletion of the earth’s resources and annihilation of the …