Memories of the Hunt

Ancient Bison Hunt“Memories of the Hunt” 24 x 36 ” Oil on Canvas

From ancient cave paintings, pectoglyphs (pecked into rock) and petroglyphs, (Etched lines into rock) the bison emerge as the life force for the Plains Indians of North America.

The bison provided virtually everything needed for survival in this harsh environment.  Tribes followed the herds, hunting as a group when necessary.  The amazing hunt of the bison is depicted in this painting, as told around a campfire at night, inside the protection of that which the bison also provided: the shelter of a tipi.

I love a night sky:  to quietly contemplate one’s smallness and the timelessness of the universe is an important prescription to putting life in balance.  Mankind has shared this bond through-out time… the sky has guided and explained away many of mankind’s concerns.

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