Leaving One’s Mark

Moccasin“Leaving One’s Mark ” 11 x 18” Watercolor and Gouache on Paper

The artistic act of living out one’s life authentically influences what you are recording of your unique history on this earth. This is a recurring theme in my art.  I am inspired by messages carved and painted into rock by early occupants of this earth.  Petroglyphs must be read intuitively, as thre isn’t a firm translation for most of them.  Educated guesses and links by association… but also, humanly intuitive.  Intuitive art.

History repeats itself, and nothing is truly original anymore… I just got back from a trip to Scottsdale galleries, and must say, that although the art was very good, I found very little that I felt was truly original.  Inspired by artist masters, copied from contemporary works… authenticity is hard to find.

Of course, I feel MY work is original, yet, I am relying on art from the past as a catalyst to my thoughts about the present.  Mankind’s experiences in living upon this earth haven’t changed all that much… there is still the need to record life events, and to leave one’s mark.

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