A Prayer

A prayer, a rabbit,s foot, a special song or number…a fetish. All examples of ways in which humans affix hope in a concrete way. The wish for health, happiness, good fortune, a good life. Whether symbolically evidenced in a tangible form, or held closely within ones heart. A prayer.

Symbolism of Red

Red is a highly symbolic color: of death, blood and violence.  It can also symbolize exuberance, sexiness, richness, fame.  What many Americans don’t realize is, red has many different meanings globally.  Some brides wear red, some people wear red in mourning.  Understanding a reference to color in a cultural piece, therefore, requires understanding of the culture in which it was …


What makes something valuable?  If I contemplate the phenonomon of E-Bay, it takes two or more people interested in something to give it a value.  The higher the interest, the more bidding that takes place, until the ultimate sales price is established.  Supply and demand. Other ways to evaluate a value is to look at an item’s importance; either by …


In making trade, one establishes a currency.  Early settlers and trapper traders in America utilized trade beads as a form of currency.  To have technology that another group does not have, is power.  It was then: it still is today.  Keeping technology at cutting edge is a harder and harder feat in today’s world. To bargain with a human being, …