Childlike Symbols

As an elementary art educator, I was impacted by the universal use of symbols my students incorporated into their art.  Particularly, happy symbols.  Happy houses with chimneys complete with curling smoke coming out the top.  Double storied (for lots of kids)  and windows with old-style cross-bar structure.  Ironically, when given a chance to design my own home, I built something very …

Taking a closer look

I often like to “zoom in” on a subject matter when I am painting.  To take it out of it’s scale and thus take out of context, adds focus to the composition in a new way.  It calls texture and design into stronger emphasis than merely rendering the subject matter. It is vital we set aside time to take a …

Winter Count

This painting is a detail from a painting inspired by a winter count by Baptiste Good.  This winter count records the Sioux history as passed forward through narrative drawings painted on an animal hide.   This record was passed down from generation to generation, along with the story that each symbol represented.  The count recorded from winter to winter. As this …

I Am An American

Our American culture is full of complexity.  It truly is a melting pot, yet individual cultures continue to hold fast to belief and tradition. Of all the truly American cultures is the Native American culture.  All others have immigrated to America.  When asked, what I am, I chose to reply “American”, although my great grandparents and farther back came from …


Intrinsic motivation verses external reward.  People are wired differently as to why they do what they do.  The older I get, the more I realize the differences:  things are NOT just black and white… there is not just one answer.  It might be easier if it were, but that is not how it is!


I am not sure I believe in destiny.  Is it all determined by our palm imprint or the position of the stars in the sky on a given date?   Is it in the stars or in ourselves…? That Shakespeare was pretty insightful…  Speaking of: in a recent book I read entitled “The Rez” by Ian Frazier, he discusses Native …

A Speck in Time

The current series of art I am doing, constantly reminds me that we are but a speck in time. The life we are currently living is such a small part of the time-line of mankind: mankind is but a small part of the history of the earth. Although time separates us: mankind has a human connection that surpasses this.  Wants …


The world is always presenting us with new things which alter our lives. Think of things such as the wheel or domesticating the horse have forever changed civilization.  In the same way, technology has altered our world forever.  Ironic, though, that the notes, letters and diaries which record events of yesterday will not be a part of what future generations …