Medicinal Prayer
The primary imagery is drawn from the Medicine Wheel found in the Bighorn National Forest.
The primary imagery is drawn from the Medicine Wheel found in the Bighorn National Forest.
The nomadic people of yesteryear intrigue me, leaving an ancient reminiscent of the mere glimpse of time we are on this earth.
Nearby, there is an ancient buffalo jump, which I incorporated into the painting: one never knows what is just below the surface.
Sage has a double meaning: a plant, yes, but also a wise knowledge learned from time.
These rock carvings are engraved into the most fragile of rock and it is amazing that they are still intact to be viewed. Many have been protected or shielded from the elements, and many stand firm out in the open, daring fate.
The romance of the old west along with the iconographic 1950’s westerns inspired a series of paintings. This western image continues to appear in the collective memory of all that is American.
Western finery and a play on words, this painting alludes to a compatible couple.
These cowboy boots are HOT, with images of horses and riders hidden in the flames.
Well-worn boots and a crisp clean shirt: just right for an evening on the town, western style.
A sense of excitement and motion abound in this second rendering of a favorite pair of cowboy boots