Our First Day Together in the Black Hills

Vore Buffalo Jump near Beulah WyomingWelcome to our travelers:  We have Jane Carter and Jane Clargo from England, and Marietehe’ and Yves Salort from France.  They are going to help us celebrate the treasure that is ours here in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  My husband, Dave and I are hosts, along with Judy and Bill Hobbs, and Millie Halsey.  Our group’s first outing was a short drive to the Vore Buffalo Jump.  This is a huge sink hole which was discovered when the Interstate highway was built.  Found deep in the hole, are over 300 years worth of buffalo bones.  This is an actual site which was used by Native American tribes in which the bison were stampeded over the cliff, into a deep circular ravine.  This was most likely a collapsed cave, and has very intriguing rock formations encircling it.  Once the buffalo had been driven into the hole, arrows were shot from above, to finish them off.  This created a much safer hunt for the hunters, and a more deadly hunt for the prey.  Pictured is a photo of the poster there, showing what the excavation of the site looks like. At present, the excavation was not accessible to us, but the amount of bones was impressive, none-the-less.  The passage of time is evident by the style and composition of the arrowheads found there, as well as by the dating of the bones.  Many of the skulls had been pounded open, giving access to the brain matter of the bison.  This was a vital material utilized in the tanning of the hide.  Know that everything was utilized of this life-giving animal… food, shelter and clothing … all from the bison.  Amazing to think that an animal that was thick upon the prairie was so nearly brought to extinction by the coming of the white man!

After we left the buffalo jump, we introduced the group to the pretty little town of Spearfish, South Dakota.  We went to the D. C. Booth Fish Hatchery, where fish have been raised and released since the early days of settlement in the Black Hills.  There are very large fish in the pond here: compare to the size of the ducks!

To complete the day, the group met along with some other creative friends for a wonderful meal at the Bay Leaf Restaurant.  Our host, Judy Hobbs arranged the meal, and we dined in style on Prime Rib and Creme Brule’.  Unfortunately, Judy and her friend, Penny, were both too sick to attend the party they had arranged… another lesson that “Life is what happens when you are making other plans”  Speedy return to health, Judy… thank you for the wonderful meal!  Artist Sandy Swallow Morgan and Wayne Morgan, Ruth Durst, and Anna and Stuart Huntington joined us for this delightful start of the Artist Exchange.

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