Crow Peak in the Spring
Crow Peak from the old Belle Fourche Highway, 12 x 36 Oil on Canvas
This was painted from the side of the road, early spring of this year, as the trees were just starting to bud out and the rosy glow of the start of spring was evident to me. In Spearfish, an old rule of thumb, is not to put anything outside in the garden or planting beds until the snow is melted off of Crow Peak. If snow is there, it is still likely that there will be a spring frost or snowstorm. If you look closely, the snow is nearly gone, signaling my celebration of Spring.
Crow Peak is a conglomerate of many shapes, and depending on the light and the angle, it looks very different. I have painted it numerous times over the past couple of years, and continue to be intrigued by that. This painting is currently on exhibition at the Spearfish Arts Center, downtown Spearfish.