Broken Barter
The barter was broken, as were promises.
The barter was broken, as were promises.
The ancient Egyptians made beads, and then the secrets to the process of creating glass beads was lost to time.
Those two items, ironically, were largely luxury goods: making westward expansion and trade a fashion-driven enterprise!
Trade beads were popular currency in early western expansion, and are still sought after today.
Our interdependence on one another is a concern, but perhaps could very well be what saves us…
12 x 36” Watercolor on Clayboard This profusion of glass trade beads is not only pleasing to look at, but intriguing to contemplate. Mankind has always bartered; as one area of the world had different resources and technologies that the other wanted. Such was so with the early trading of goods in American westward expansion. The trade and inevitable merging …
I had a nice opportunity to have my artwork featured on the cover of a local publication; The Country Register.
As I look introspectively as to the “why” that I paint beads, I found the question; “What is your currency?”
Beaver pelts were plentiful to the Native Americans at that time, and they desired items which they did not have the resources or technology to produce.
This shield reflects the lifeblood connection that the bison provided man.