Symbolic Circles

“Sacred Circle” 11 x 30”

Watercolor & Gouache on Paper

Circles are a symbolic element in many cultures.  A circle has no beginning and no end.  It repeats upon itself.  The earth is a sphere and it rotates in circles. Seasons are a circle, repeating over and over through time.  The sun and planets are all spheres. 

The circles in this painting are representations of petroglyph drawings found in Wyoming.  They depict warriors holding shields.  Wheter as protection in battle or as a ceromonial use, the shields provided a purpose for these early humans.

Also in the image, near to where these petroglyphs are caved is a mysterious stone circle, called The Bighorn Medicine Wheel.   The true origin and culture responsible for creating it has been lost to time.  Yet, it remains a sacred site: a place for vision quests, ritual and prayer. “Medicine” in this instance refers to a source of spiritual power.  It may have served as an astrological tool, as spokes and cairns align for the Summer Solstice. 

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