Stand Tall

We all recognize this watercolor sketch as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.  (at least I hope I was able to relay this image!)

But, did you know that this structure was built by Gustav Eiffel’s engineering firm and designed by Maurice Koechlin for the 1889 World’s Fair?  Paris hosted the World’s Fair to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the French Revolution. The Eiffel Tower, as it came to be known, was considered a temporary structure.  In fact, many Parisians considered it to be an ugly eyesore. The tower’s use as a radiotelegraph station is what ultimately saved it from being torn down. Ironically, the Eiffel Tower is now is an iconic symbol of Paris and the French people. Just as the Statue of Liberty represents New York City and the people of the United States. (The Statue of Liberty was designed and built by the same Eiffel/Koechlin team, by the way). Who says art doesn’t matter?  Stand tall and be counted artists and art lovers… art and design is everywhere you look and plays a vital role.


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