Rend in Time

“Rend in Time”

13 x 20” Oil on Canvas

Tales told of days gone by.  The stampeding bison herds of yesterday very nearly became extinct, as their way of life did?  A purposeful tear in the canvas of this painting illustrates the passing of time and the sting of history.

It was a near loss of a majestic creature due to a host of political reasons and lifestyle changes… Is it a whole lot different today?  Are we equally nostalgic of the threatened species and recently extinct creatures due to mankind’s same selfish pursuits?

I have been re-read reading Barbara Kingsolver’s book, High Tide in Tucson .  She has a chapter entitled “In the Belly of the Beast” in which she describes her visit to a Titan Missile  Silo just south of Tucson.  Reading this, and in light of the escalating unrest in our world, can we really believe mankind will have the sense to control the violence in which we live?  Can we stop short of becoming extinct along with the rest of the living creatures on this earth that we should be protecting instead of threatening?

This original painting along with many artworks I have created will be on display at the newly opened Rim Rock Lodge Gallery in Spearfish Canyon from June 30 – 22.

Check out the Rim Rock Lodge website:

As stated on their site: Rim Rock Lodge is pleased to announce the art opening reception of works by Bonnie Halsey-Dutton on July 7 from 5pm-7pm. Bonnie’s art also will be featured at Rim Rock Lodge from June 30-July 22. To attend the art opening, please RSVP to or (605) 642-3192. We look forward to seeing you.


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