Plein Aire Painting
Here we all are: at the Plein Aire painting event, hosted by The Blue Dog Gallery. We had an amazingly beautiful day: the weather was perfect, and the spot we chose to paint was by a babbling brook, with shade trees… it was a very nice time. There were visitors to the event, to watch us paint, and we had a blast with each other! The trees in Spearfish Canyon are just beginning to change, so the timing for the event is excellent. Kudos, John & Jan Humphrey… this is amazing!
This is Roughlock Falls, just a little up the road from where we were painting. The site was recently refurbished, and it is a wonderful little visit. Up the road just a little farther is a site where the ending footage of “Dances with Wolves” was filmed. We e
nded the day with stopping to take a photo of this cute little cabin… intriguingly perched on the edge of a cliff! This is a cabin at Rimrock Lodge. It takes a lodger with guts to stay here, I believe! The facility is currently not in business, but for me, has always been a landmark of Spearfish Canyon.
We will be doing a second day of Plein Aire painting tomorrow morning, followed by an afternoon and evening in Deadwood!