Open Your Eyes and Your Brain Will See

My mother, Mildred Halsey, has been compiling quotes about art, and recording her thoughts about art and creativity.  She wrote, “Open your eyes and your brain will see”. I find this is very true. Although I may believe that I am observant, I know that art is an import tool to help me to truly see what is before me. Taking time to truly see and experience something through a creative lens helps me to more fully digest nuance.

This watercolor and pencil sketch was done years ago during a quiet moment shared with my son, Drew Dutton. We were in Rome, and together we took time from touring to sit and sketch a fountain that we spotted in a peaceful public courtyard. Seeing my son truly observing the fountain was rewarding to me, an art instructor, but also knowing that he was taking in the quiet and restful ambiance of the courtyard was a gift to me as a mother. His rendering was a birds-eye-view of the courtyard, showing to me that he was able to make the leap from a direct rendering of what was in front of him, to being able to visualize the lay-out of the courtyard from a totally different perspective.

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