Many Forms of Creativity

There are many forms of creativity, not limited to painting and drawing.  This image is of course, a pen and ink on paper, but beyond rendering a visual record, my travel experience to Delphi in Greece could also have been expressed in many other ways.  A written description of what I felt, heard, witnessed, and smelled could  have been employed.  I could have taken photos, wrote a poem or song, meditated, or bought a local food and ate it while people-watching. I could have visited with a local or another tourist, or I could have enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee while reflecting upon what brought me to this place in time.

Creativity is about being alive and wishing to further enhance or share that experience with others.  What I most love about the many journals I have kept while traveling, is that when I later look at them, that moment in time comes back to me. Through art, my recollections are nearly as vivid as they were the moment I took the time to let my senses catch up with all that I was experiencing at the time.

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