Human Activity

“Medicine Wheel” 11 x 30” Watercolor & Gouache on Paper

Humans have left their mark well before recorded time.  This remains one of the remaining mysteries man can explore on earth.  The enormous stone circle this painting is about is called the Medicine Wheel is comprised of a circle dissected by 28 radiating spokes from the center.  Constructed above the treeline, this man-made formation sits on the summit of Medicine Mountain in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. 

While I was visiting my good friend, Janet Weight Reed in England, an amazing find was announced.  Called the Staffordshire Hoard, this amazing cache of early medieval artifacts caused awe in the modern audience.  The pieces found number around 1500 items.  They are Anglo Saxon and date from 675 – 725 AD.  , and the decoration and inscriptions on them are changing history as man knew to date.  Found by an armature treasure hunter with an inexpensive metal detector, the story behind this find is truly imagination fodder.  Found were sword hilt fittings, medieval helmets, biblical inscriptions and folded crosses.  Not only are the items of precious gold and jewels, the keys to the design show earlier knowledge and travel in the area of Staffordshire, England in which they were found.  The gems are believed to have come from trade as far away as Sri Lanka!  Many of the items will eventually be on display in the Birmingham Musuem.  Please check out this link to read more about this ancient find.

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