Finding Direction

“The Stone Arrow” 11 x 30” Watercolor & Gouache on Paper

When things begin to flow in the direction intended, it is so easy!  Trying to paddle upstream differs from downstream, and  I sometimes mistake hard work for just trying to push in the wrong direction. 

The Stone Arrow that inspired this painting is located near Meeteetse, Wyoming.  This stone arrow is comprised of numerous small stones and is 65 feet long with the arrowhead measuring 9 feet wide.  By air, the arrow has direction: it points directly toward Medicine Mountain 80 miles away.  Upon this mountain is another equally mysterious rock formation known as the Medicine Wheel. 

I have found the Medicine Wheel to be an inspiration as well, as it’s exact interpretation is unknown to modern man.  It is mysterious, thus adding to the magic it still possesses.  For many, it is a place of pilgrimage, and a place in which to meditate, pray, and seek direction.

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