A Simpler Life

“Sentinel” 24 x 36” Oil on Canvas

In my tipi paintings, the converging lines and textures of the materials were the initial inspiration for me.  The slightly askew format I utilize was to give the image an otherworldly feeling, as this image is a remnant of the past.  This series has led me to explore the romantic ideals we as a society have about the past, and about what constitutes the best way of life.. 

I am moved to examine the simpler life: not in a tipi necessarily, but the idea of fewer objects in my life.  There was an Oprah  TV show recently that showcased the Danish way of life.  Oprah visited the Danish home of Stine Holscher.  It is inspirational, and here is a link to a video tour from Oprah.com if you’d like to see it:  http://www.oprah.com/media/20091021-tows-stine-home-tour

Something the woman being interviewed said has stuck with me… she said “Fewer possessions, more life”.  That is a key to happiness right there.  Not being a prisoner to possessions allows a person to explore life outside the confines of your house: the world should be our house! 

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